Geoffrey Thorne Dreamnasium Vol 1 Geoffrey Thorne 9781438295251 Books
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Geoffrey Thorne Dreamnasium Vol 1 Geoffrey Thorne 9781438295251 Books
Dreamnasium is, in a word, ambitious. Author Geoffrey Thorne knows his stuff, and he shows deft skill at weaving a coherent anthology.This book is a collection of short stories, taking the form of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. There isn't an underlying ideology behind the stories, only the connective tissue of the shared human experience. The stories are broad in scope, narrow in focus, and sharp in execution. The whole book is a page turner, too: getting from one story to the next is a breeze; and since each one is so different from the next, the book stays fresh and engaging even when you come across a story that isn't your thing.
If I were to review the 10 stories individually, I would give them these scores:
Eshu & The Anthropic Principle - 2 out of 5 stars
Red/Shift - 5 out of 5 stars
The 3rd Option - 4 out of 5 stars
Post - 3 out of 5 stars
Antiope In Black - 4 out of 5 stars
In Lingering Grief Of Twilight - 2 out of 5 stars
The Dame Wore A Tesseract - 5 out of 5 stars
The Price Of Salt - 5 out of 5 stars
The Undetermined State of Charlie Blue - 5 out of 5 stars
Writers - 3 out of 5 stars
Also, an extra special shoutout to Red/Shift. THAT one would make a fantastic feature film.
5 out of 5 stars.
Tags : Geoffrey Thorne's Dreamnasium, Vol. 1 [Geoffrey Thorne] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! ESHU... A lonely god at the end of the universe? Sounds like a party. DR. EIDLING... A scientist with a physics problem that just might be murder. ANTIOPE... A young girl with a secret bundle,Geoffrey Thorne,Geoffrey Thorne's Dreamnasium, Vol. 1,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1438295251,749781438295251,collection,scifi,science fiction,geoffrey thorne,FICTION Science Fiction Collections & Anthologies,Science Fiction - Collections & Anthologies,Fiction - Science Fiction,Fiction
Geoffrey Thorne Dreamnasium Vol 1 Geoffrey Thorne 9781438295251 Books Reviews
I liked it , a must read if you like the keep them guessing kid of fiction,lots of ah ha kind of stuff.
He can only get better, looking forward to reading more of his work.
The 9 stories contained within this novel feature characters who range from human to superhuman (& beyond). Geoffrey Thorne manages to create whole new worlds with his words, that will keep you entertained from cover to cover. I highly recommend it to all sci-fi and fantasy fans.
First let me say that I am not a professional reviewer. Geoffrey Thorne's Dreamnasium is a collection of short stories (nine) that range from detectives to vampires to super powered evil slugs to bored "Gods" (and more). If I have to describe this book, and Mr Thorne's writing style, then it would be that he turns the words on the page to images in your mind. Of course that is (I guess) the goal of every writer but I find that it is powerful in Thorne's writing. Thorne mixes science fiction and the human condition in a way that is at once easy to relate to yet fantastic and original. Dreamnasium requires and demands your attention, if you like your stories dumbed down, then this isn't the writer for you. Just come prepared to use your brain and imagination and you will be in for a fun ride.
Science Fiction never had it so good. These stories by Geoffrey Thorne are to the reader what ordering the sampler tray at the brewery is to the beer aficionado. Generally, though, the beer nut has to then choose the beer for the evening, fortunately with Dreamnasium, Thorne dishes out different brew in each story and leaves you simply wanting more opportunities to buy other works he has done or will do in the future. Thorne mixes the everyman with science fiction and fantasy in a gritty way that immediately says the author could well be the most inventive and successful comic book writer of his day or the second coming of the penultimate science fiction writer, because deep down, Thorne isn't just trying to blow your mind with some fantastic idea, he's also smacking you upside the head with an ethical dilemma not yet mastered by the body politic of his time. Often times irreverent, Thorne turns phrases on their heads and plays word games that entertain almost as much as the narrative and characters of his stories. What you get is a visual image in your mind that is accompanied with the character's mental image of the world around them and it is an at once disturbing and fantastic world that Thorne weaves. In the future, when you see the words "by Geoffrey Thorne," just click "add to cart," you will always be happy you made that choice. If there are turns Thorne is missing in his work, they haven't been mapped yet, because he doesn't miss turns in his writing.
I had entered the Dreamnasium and I will never look at sci-fi the same. This collection of short stories completely entertained me with storylines that did indeed exercise the imagination. The characters in each story make themselves at home in your imagination, like the familiar friends who come in the back door without knocking. I settled in for a good story when Eshu, a character in the opening pages, admitted to himself that, "He enjoyed smiling. It was one of the reasons he maintained this bipedal form. The other was the occasional hot bath." The pace and tone of each story is as different as the acts in a variety show. "Red/Shift" was one of my favorite stories. It features Officer Amina Fisk-Okker on a fast-paced mission with twists and turns. I won't give too much away, but these two lines from the story will give you a taste of what it's about "I'm tracking a duelist," she said. "Recent arrival, possbily illegal." and this, 'Of all the secrets Amina Fisk-Okker knew and kept the greatest was the one she kept about herself.' Another story that was keep-turning-the-page suspenseful was "The Price of Salt". Just when your hands start cramping from holding your book in a tense grip, our ill-equipped rescuer heads off on his mission with this thought, "Great. Riddles and sticks and me walking back into the dark like a freaking idiot." This was my first sci-fi book and will not be my last. Geoffrey Thorne's storytelling has drawn back the canvas flap to the Big Top and revealed a show like no other I have ever read. I'm in my seat,ticket in hand,waiting for the next act. Refill my popcorn bucket, will you? Extra butter.
Dreamnasium is, in a word, ambitious. Author Geoffrey Thorne knows his stuff, and he shows deft skill at weaving a coherent anthology.
This book is a collection of short stories, taking the form of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. There isn't an underlying ideology behind the stories, only the connective tissue of the shared human experience. The stories are broad in scope, narrow in focus, and sharp in execution. The whole book is a page turner, too getting from one story to the next is a breeze; and since each one is so different from the next, the book stays fresh and engaging even when you come across a story that isn't your thing.
If I were to review the 10 stories individually, I would give them these scores
Eshu & The Anthropic Principle - 2 out of 5 stars
Red/Shift - 5 out of 5 stars
The 3rd Option - 4 out of 5 stars
Post - 3 out of 5 stars
Antiope In Black - 4 out of 5 stars
In Lingering Grief Of Twilight - 2 out of 5 stars
The Dame Wore A Tesseract - 5 out of 5 stars
The Price Of Salt - 5 out of 5 stars
The Undetermined State of Charlie Blue - 5 out of 5 stars
Writers - 3 out of 5 stars
Also, an extra special shoutout to Red/Shift. THAT one would make a fantastic feature film.
5 out of 5 stars.
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